Author Archives: Jeremy Chase

Director’s Blog: Eastern Idaho Adventures

Summer has arrived! On one of my trips to Eastern Idaho recently, I had the opportunity to do more than just meet with local businesses, elected officials, and economic development partners. I was able to see the eastern part of our state in a whole new light and am so excited to share with you

Posted in Director's Corner, Tourism

Director’s Blog: Welcome!

Greetings, readers! I am thrilled to be in this new role at the Director of Idaho Commerce and part of that new role is sharing things that happen here at Commerce, during my travels around the state, or just cool news that I think is important to share. I hope you will follow along on

Posted in Commerce, Director's Corner

Legal Considerations for International Business Seminar

U.S. Commercial Service and the Idaho District Export Council have teamed up to bring you a seminar presented by Holland and Hart, LLP focused on the crucial legal issues Idaho companies should consider when doing business abroad. When: February 10, 2016 All Day –  9:00am to 2:30pm – $35.00 Morning Only – 9:00am to 1:00pm

Posted in International

“Turning ideas into businesses” – New Ventures Lab

New Ventures Lab is a hybrid co-working facility, an idea laboratory, and a community engagement and collaboration center.  They accelerate Meridian’s innovation-based economy by connecting ideas, people, and resources to create and grow new companies.   They focus on:  1) Building an entrepreneurial culture that supports and nurtures new firm formation 2) Encouraging and facilitating investment

Posted in Commerce, Technology

To Connect, Inspire and Support all Entrepreneurs – Kickstand

Founded in 2000 by a handful of brave Boise startups that believed they could achieve greater success together, Kickstand is Idaho’s oldest statewide non-profit entrepreneurial support group. “We invent, we create, we patent, we pioneer.”  Kickstand champions Idaho’s innovators – in any industry – who seek the support of the local community to succeed and

Posted in Commerce, Technology

Attention All 2C Entrepreneurs — NEO is calling you!

The Nampa Entrepreneurs Organization (NEO) is an organization made up of entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs!  NEO helps those aspiring to become an entrepreneur, and business owners who want to take their business to the next level.  NEO was developed through a partnership between the City of Nampa’s Economic Development Department and Boise State University’s TECenter, with

Posted in Commerce

Incubating on a State Level – Idaho Incubation Fund

Idaho’s Incubation Fund provides funding to support the relationship between research and development, and commercialization.  Idaho’s Higher Education Research Council (HERC) believes that technologies exist in the universities and with a modest amount of additional funding, they could be advanced and moved toward commercialization.  While partnership with the private sector is not always necessary, it is a good

Posted in Commerce, Technology

HERC –  Higher Education Research Council

Have you heard of HERC? HERC is the Higher Education Research Council. Did you know that HERC has $2 million in appropriated funds available to be awarded to Idaho university projects that are geared at driving innovation, economic development, and an enhanced quality of life in the State of Idaho? Under the direction of the

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