Contact: Mercedee Wilds
Idaho Commerce

Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) Council Announces November Meeting

BOISE, Idaho (November 15, 2019) — The Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) Council will meet on Friday, November 22, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. MST. The IGEM Council will hold its meeting in the Sawtooth Conference Room at Idaho Commerce, 700 W. State Street Boise, ID 83702.

Idaho Commerce manages the Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) Grant Program which includes $950,000 in appropriated funds by the Idaho State Legislature. IGEM funds research between university and industry partners geared toward commercialization initiatives. The IGEM Council’s fiscal stewardship and strategic direction advances IGEM’s overall goal of economic prosperity through investments in technological advancements and innovation.

During this meeting, two (2) project teams will present before the IGEM Council for funding consideration.

The IGEM Council will enter into Executive Session due to proprietary information that will be discussed, pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1) to review records exempt from public disclosure under Idaho Code Section 74-107(1), 74-107(6), and/or 67-4708.

Upon return to public session, the IGEM Council will render funding determinations.

Click here for the complete meeting agenda.

This IGEM meeting is open to the public. There will be an opportunity for public comments toward the end of the meeting. To learn more about IGEM, visit


Posted in Business, Technology