Idaho featured in October Issue of United Airlines He
NEWS RELEASE: For Immediate Release
Contact: Kayla Church
Idaho Commerce
Idaho featured in October Issue of United Airlines Hemispheres Magazine Dossier
The magazine receives over three million unique views each month through both online and print editions
BOISE, Idaho—Friday, October 2, 2015— Idaho and its place in the global economy is the focus of a multi-page special section in the October issue of Hemispheres, the in-flight magazine of United Airlines.
“We are very excited to be featured in such an important publication,” said Idaho Commerce director Jeffery Sayer. “The special section will give Idaho a prominent position on the national stage and will definitely start some conversations about our economy and business climate.”
The special section, titled “Dossier,” examines Idaho’s diverse businesses and showcases the economies of each of the state’s regions. It features interviews with Idaho business leaders and economic development experts, and profiles of some of the state’s business innovators and entrepreneurs, including Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter, Micron CEO Mark Durcan, Boise Cascade CEO Tom Corrick, Boise State University President Bob Kustra, Idaho National Laboratory Director John Grossenbacher, Idaho Power President and CEO Darrel Anderson, and University of Idaho President Chuck Staben.
Dossier focuses on Idaho’s unique key industries around the state, including technology, aerospace, food processing, and advanced manufacturing. In addition, the “Out Of Office” section highlighting some of the state’s diverse tourism landscapes, cultural attractions and events. The section is designed to appeal to the majority of United Airlines’ customers who are business customers.
To view the full special section electronically, visit
United is one of the world’s largest global carriers, with more than 4,900 departures daily. It flies to more than 370 destinations in 60 countries, according to the airline’s website. In 2014, the airline carried about 138 million passengers.
The Hemispheres magazine with the Dossier Idaho special section is now placed in the seat pocket of every United flight worldwide throughout the month of October. The magazine has more than 3.1 million unique readers every month.
To learn more about business expansion opportunities in Idaho, visit