NEWS RELEASE:  For Immediate Release
Contact: Megan Hill
Idaho Commerce
Idaho Commerce Opens Applications for the Idaho Wild Rivers Grant Program

BOISE, Idaho—Thursday, December 21, 2017— The Idaho Department of Commerce is now accepting applications for the Idaho Wild Rivers Grant Program for the 2018 grant cycle. Applications must be submitted via the Department’s online portal by 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time on January 22, 2018. Awards will be determined by the Wild Rivers Advisory Panel in February 2018.


Sales of the “Wild Rivers” specialty license plates create funds that can be distributed to communities and non-profit groups.  Under terms of the 2003 legislation authorizing these plates (Section 49-419C, Idaho Code), proceeds may be used for one of the following purposes:

• To promote whitewater river tourism within Idaho.

• To promote, encourage, or ensure safe use of Idaho’s whitewater rivers.

• To improve user facilities or access to whitewater rivers.

• To help clean up litter or promote good conservation practices by river users.


The Wild Rivers Advisory Panel, made up of five members representing whitewater river communities and the rafting/kayaking industries, will distribute the funds to federal, state, or local government agencies, or incorporated non-profit organizations related to whitewater river recreation.


Interested applicants can request access to the grant portal at and view a sample application here.

For specific questions about the program contact Jill Eden, Grants & Contracts Analyst, at
