NEWS RELEASE: For Immediate Release
Laurie McConnell, Visit Idaho
208-287-0781 | laurie.mcconnell@tourism.idaho.gov
Julie Chigbrow, Red Sky
208-431-9940 | juliechigbrow@redskypr.com
Have Thoughts on Tourism in Idaho? Now’s Your Chance to Share Feedback
First-Ever Visit Idaho Resident Sentiment Survey is Now Live
BOISE, Idaho (October 24, 2023) — Do you have opinions about how tourism in Idaho has impacted your local community? Visit Idaho wants to hear from you. The State of Idaho’s tourism office is launching its first resident sentiment survey, in partnership with market research company Longwoods International. The Visit Idaho Resident Sentiment Survey is open to all current Idaho residents to share their feedback through November 5.
The survey will help the state understand how tourism specifically impacts communities throughout the state. Tourism is a vital industry—Idaho’s third-largest—and recent years have seen an increase in the number of travelers visiting the state. As Visit Idaho continues to place more emphasis on tourism marketing that reflects the character of Idaho and preserves what makes the Gem State so great, it’s vital to hear from as many Idahoans as possible.
“Listening to Idahoans about the impact of tourism on their communities is crucial to achieving our department’s goals,” said Jeremy Chase, Idaho Department of Commerce Marketing & Innovation Administrator. “It’s important that the state’s residents understand their key role in Idaho’s travel experience and know their input is valued.”
The results and feedback gathered from the survey will inform Visit Idaho’s future marketing strategy, aiming to balance resident needs and sentiments while maximizing the care of Idaho’s lands, positive economic impact and traveler interests.
The final results of the survey are expected in early 2024. The survey can be accessed at www.visitidaho.org/survey.
About Idaho Tourism
Idaho Tourism (Visit Idaho) serves to inspire travelers to visit and experience Idaho’s diverse, unique beauty, western culture and history and outdoor adventure opportunities through engaging, helpful tips, information and resources. Tourism is Idaho’s third-largest industry, and Idaho Tourism is committed to growing Idaho’s economy through targeted, impactful promotions. Go to VisitIdaho.org to plan your vacation.