Contact: Cody Allred
Idaho Commerce
BEAD Regional Coordination and Planning Grant Open Now
BOISE, Idaho (March 6, 2024) – The Idaho Broadband Advisory Board (IBAB) and the Idaho Office of Broadband are now accepting grant applications for the Idaho Broadband, Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Regional Coordination and Planning Grant.
The Board approved $500,000 for broadband planning funds to be used to establish a Broadband Action Team and additional support.
Grant funds are available to bring affordable and reliable internet to Idaho communities. Eligible applicants include local governments, tribal governments and state agencies. The maximum amount awarded will be $50,000.
The grant opens today. This first round of funding will close on March 27, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. MT. Applications must be submitted via the Idaho Department of Commerce’s online grant portal.
View the grant guidelines here.
IBAB was created by the Idaho Legislature in 2021, via the passage of HB127. The board consists of three members from the Idaho House of Representatives, the Idaho Senate and the private sector, appointed by the Governor. The board established the Idaho Broadband Strategic Plan, which supports the board’s vision that Idahoans have access to affordable and reliable broadband infrastructure.
View the Idaho Broadband Advisory Board members here.
For more information visit Link Up Idaho and the Idaho Office of Broadband online.
To access the application portal, please visit idahocommerce.force.com/grants and request access or email grants@commerce.idaho.gov with your request.