NEWS RELEASE: For Immediate Release Contact: Laurie McConnellIdaho Commerce-Tourism Visit Idaho Honored with Bronze Award forCultural Connections Travel Marketing Campaign BOISE, Idaho (December 12, 2023) — Visit Idaho and its agency of record, Madden Media, have been recognized by the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI) with a Bronze award in the Corporate…
NEWS RELEASE: For Immediate Release Contact:Laurie McConnell, Visit Idaho208-287-0781 | laurie.mcconnell@tourism.idaho.govJulie Chigbrow, Red Sky208-431-9940 | Have Thoughts on Tourism in Idaho? Now’s Your Chance to Share FeedbackFirst-Ever Visit Idaho Resident Sentiment Survey is Now Live BOISE, Idaho (October 24, 2023) — Do you have opinions about how tourism in Idaho has impacted your local…
NEWS RELEASE: For Immediate Release Contact: Laurie McConnellIdaho Idaho Travel Council Announces Annual Grant AwardsOver $10.3 Million Awarded for Tourism Promotion BOISE, Idaho (August 2, 2023) During its meeting held in Donnelly last week, the Idaho Travel Council (ITC) granted $10,327,540 in tourism marketing funding to non-profit organizations through the Idaho Regional Travel and…
MEDIA ALERT Contact: Laurie McConnellIdaho Idaho Travel Council Announces July Meeting BOISE, Idaho (July 20, 2023) —The Idaho Travel Council (ITC) will meet at Tamarack Resort (311 Village Dr., Tamarack, ID) on Thursday, July 27, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (MT) in the Fern & Feather Room and on Friday, July 28, 9:00 a.m. to…
State Seeks Nominees for Recreation and Tourism Award Lifetime Achievement Award winner will be selected by the Governor BOISE, Idaho (June 28, 2023) –Nominations are now open for outstanding lifetime achievement in the fields of Idaho recreation and tourism. Idaho Governor Brad Little will select and recognize a nominated individual who has made significant contributions…
NEWS RELEASE: For Immediate Release Contact: Laurie McConnellIdaho Commerce-Tourism Governor Little Appoints New Member to Idaho Travel CouncilThe Idaho Travel Council advises Idaho Commerce on tourism policy and grant awards BOISE, Idaho (June 8, 2023) — Governor Brad Little has appointed Crystal Nelson to the Idaho Travel Council (ITC). She will represent Region 5…
NEWS RELEASE: For Immediate Release Contact: Laurie McConnellIdaho Commerce – Tourism Idaho Commerce Announces 2023 Wild Rivers Grant Awards BOISE, Idaho (February 13, 2023)—During its meeting held virtually on February 10, 2023, the Wild Rivers advisory panel granted $38,000 from the Wild Rivers specialty license plate fund to eligible applicants through the Idaho Wild Rivers…
NEWS RELEASE: For Immediate Release Contact: Laurie McConnellIdaho Commerce – Tourism Idaho Commerce Opens 2023 Application for the Idaho RegionalTravel & Convention Grant Program BOISE, Idaho (February 10, 2023)—The Idaho Department of Commerce-Tourism Development is now accepting applications for the Idaho Regional Travel and Convention Grant Program for the 2023 grant cycle. Applications must be submitted…
NEWS RELEASE: For Immediate Release Contact: Laurie McConnellIdaho Commerce – Tourism Idaho Commerce Opens Applications for the 2023 Idaho Wild Rivers Grant Program BOISE, Idaho (December 6, 2022) — Idaho Commerce is accepting applications for the Idaho Wild Rivers Grant Program for the 2023 grant cycle. Applications must be submitted via the Department’s online portal by 4:00 p.m.…
MEDIA ALERT Contact: Laurie McConnellIdaho 2022 Governor’s Lifetime Achievement Award in Recreation and Tourism Presented to Richard Shaffer BOISE, Idaho (October 19, 2022) —Governor Brad Little presented the 2022 Governor’s Lifetime Achievement Award in Recreation and Tourism to Richard Shaffer yesterday during the Idaho Conference on Recreation and Tourism in Twin Falls. The Director of…