Doing Business in Mexico Webinar
July 30, 2020, from 2 – 3 p.m. MDT
RSVP for Doing Business in Mexico Webinar
Idaho’s Mexico Trade Office will be conducting a Doing Business in Mexico Webinar on Thursday, July 30th, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. MDT. Any interested Idaho company is welcome to attend. To secure your spot and receive a link to join the webinar, please be sure to RSVP via email to Chelsea.Conlon@ISDA.Idaho.Gov by Tuesday, July 28th, at 5:00 p.m. MDT.
The following topics will be covered during the presentation:
- Current Economic Environment in Mexico
- (Mexican economy, travel, worldwide economics, monetary policies, and COVID-19 update)
- Market and Consumer Trends
- USMCA Introductory Overview
- (How it differs from NAFTA and what this might look like for Idaho companies)
- Upcoming Events and Opportunities
We ask that you pre-submit any questions you might have for the Idaho-Mexico Trade Office by the RSVP date, July 28th, to Chelsea.Conlon@ISDA.Idaho.Gov. Questions may also be asked via chat box during the presentation, but time will be limited. To ensure you receive answers to your questions, we will follow up via email if we run out of time.
Don’t miss this opportunity to join the Doing Business in Mexico Webinar. Sign up today as spaces are limited!
To RSVP, please email, with the following information:
- Participant name
- Employer name
- Title
- Phone Number
Questions you would like to submit before the webinar to be addressed
Questions? Please call or email!
Idaho State Department of Agriculture
Chelsea Conlon
Idaho Department of Commerce
Sharon Adams