Established as part of the Housing and Community Development Act in 1974, the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, administered by Idaho Commerce, allocates funding directly to the State of Idaho.
CDBG can assist cities and counties with the development and construction of public infrastructure and facilities. Funds are awarded based on several factors including percentage of local match, overall need, impact of the project and readiness to proceed.
Carey City Park and the Kellogg Wastewater System Upgrade are two successful recent CDBG projects.
Carey City Park
The City of Carey, Idaho, was awarded a $55,000 CDBG for construction of a new city park. The grant will aid in installation and construction of two handicap-accessible parking spaces as well as a sidewalk to connect the spaces to the existing park pavilion. The Carey Park project also includes the purchase and installation of playground equipment.
“We chose the Carey City Park because our little town, with no sidewalks, a main street that is a major highway, and no soccer or baseball areas, needs a place our children and families can go play safely,” said Branch Manager Gwenna Prescott. “This project is near and dear to our whole community.”
Kellogg Wastewater System Upgrades
The citizens of Kellogg, Idaho, voted in support of an $8 million bond to replace the aging and faulty sewer lines serving the city. In part due to the city’s commitment of investing $8 million into their sewer system, the city was awarded $1 million in CDBG funding to assist in the design and construction costs. These improvements will help the city meet the Clean Water Act and provide for the infrastructure foundation that allows for economic growth.
Click here for more information on the Idaho CDBG program.