The Taipei International Sporting Goods Show, TaiSPO is taking place March 10-12, 2022, and is the leading multi-segment sports exhibition in Asia. The exhibition is joining forces and collaborating with the Taipei Cycle Show, occurring March 9-12, 2022. Attendees will be able to participate in both shows providing exhibitors with a broader audience and increased opportunity.
Idaho Commerce is providing Idaho recreation technology businesses looking to expand sales and build international relationships the opportunity to participate by covering 100% of booth costs for STEP Grant-eligible companies. The Idaho-Asia Trade Office will have two booths at the show and represent up to four companies. If a company has in-country representation, they may be able to join in person if they meet all current COVID-19 protocols/requirements and/or if Taiwan is allowing travelers from the U.S. In addition, if your company is grant eligible, there is a $1,500 stipend for eligible expenses (travel-other than that by an employee located in Taipei, shipping, etc.) Participants not able to have a representative at the show will be provided all the contacts made on their behalf after the event. If your company is not grant eligible, please reach out, there are still ways you can potentially participate.
In 2019, TaiSPO had over 1,400 booths with attendance by 12,501 trade visitors. This show features Fitness Equipment, Sportswear, Smart Sports, Wearable Devices, Sports Services, Outdoor, Ball Sports, Swimming & Diving, Protective Gear, Racket Sports. Similarly, in 2019, Taipei Cycle had 3,320 booths with attendance by 19,661 trade visitors. This show features: Complete Bicycles, Bicycle Parts, Bicycle Accessories, E-Bikes & Drive units, Cycling Services, Smart cycling devices. Both shows attracted attendees from all over the world, the top 3 were Mainland China (including Hong Kong), Japan and South Korea.
This is a STEP Grant-funded opportunity. Applications will be open 1/24/22 – 2/4/22 via our Grant Portal. If you do not have a login to the portal, email me as soon as possible to set one up. This application is first come, first served, not a competitive application as most of our pavilions usually are. Once space is filled, we will create a waitlist.
To learn more, contact Tina Salisbury at Idaho Commerce.