Contact: Laurie McConnell
Idaho Tourism
Idaho Travel Council Announces December Special Meeting
BOISE, Idaho (December 26, 2024) —The Idaho Travel Council will hold a virtual special meeting on Monday, December 30, 2024, 10:30 am – 11:30 am MT on Teams. Guests may attend virtually or in-person at the Idaho Commerce office in the Clearwater meeting room (Joe R. Williams Building, 700 W. State Street, 2nd Floor).
The Council will consider a No Cost Extension for the Yellowstone-Teton Territory 2023 Grant.
View the meeting agenda and instructions to join the Teams meeting here. The ITC meeting is open to the public however virtual attendance is encouraged.
Join the meeting here.
Meeting ID: 262 921 330 258, Passcode: yw9NU7oj
The ITC is an eight-member, private-sector advisory board appointed by the Governor. The goal of the ITC, as well as Idaho Tourism, is to grow Idaho’s economy by increasing visitor expenditures throughout the state.
For a full list of ITC members, click here.
To learn more about Idaho Tourism, go to Tourism.Idaho.gov or VisitIdaho.org.