Contact: Cody Allred
Idaho Commerce
Idaho Broadband Advisory Board Announces Third March Meeting
BOISE, Idaho (March 23, 2023) – The Idaho Broadband Advisory Board (IBAB) will meet on Friday, March 31, 2023, from 9:00 a.m.– 10:00 a.m. MT (or upon adjournment).
IBAB was created by the Idaho Legislature in 2021, via the passage of HB127. The board consists of three members from the Idaho House of Representatives, the Idaho Senate and the private sector, appointed by the Governor. Recently, the board established the Idaho Broadband Strategic Plan, which supports the board’s vision that Idahoans have access to affordable and reliable broadband infrastructure.
Interested parties and members of the public can watch the meeting remotely. In-person seating is also available at the Idaho Capitol Building, room WW53, located at 700 W. Jefferson St. in Boise.
View the agenda here.
Watch the meeting remotely using Zoom. Register here.
View the Idaho Broadband Advisory Board members here.
For more information visit: https://commerce.idaho.gov/broadband/.