In compliance with Sections 67-5221(1) and 67-5226, Idaho Code, notice is hereby given that the Idaho Department of Commerce has adopted temporary rules, and proposed rulemaking procedures have been initiated. This temporary and proposed rulemaking adopts and re-publishes the following existing and previously approved and codified chapters under IDAPA 28, rules of the Department of Commerce:

  • 28.02.03, Rules of the Idaho Regional Travel and Convention Grant Program
  • 28.02.04, Idaho Gem Grant Program
  • 28.02.05, Rural Community Block Grant Program (RCBG)
  • 28.02.07, Rules Governing the Administration of the IGEM Grant Program
  • 28.03.01, Rules of the Idaho Opportunity Fund
  • 28.04.01, Rules Governing the Idaho Reimbursement Incentive Act

The public comment period for the IDAPA 28 temporary rulemaking period is June 19 – 30, 2019.

Comments may be submitted to Ewa Szewczyk, or P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0093.