Export Finance Webinar
Is your business taking full advantage of the available Federal trade finance programs to grow your export sales? Now is the time to find out!
Are you benefiting from SBA STEP funding to travel to a trade show or on a trade mission? Find out how U.S. Smalll Business Administration and the Export-Import Bank of the United States can be a part of your export sales strategy to:
reduce your payment risks
increase your sales (and the size of your orders)
expand your working capital to develop foreign markets and finance export orders, and
finance your facilities expansion due to export success!
Join us for a special:
EXPORT FINANCE WEBINAR for State Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) Clients
February 18, 2015, Noon – 1 p.m. Eastern Time (10 a.m. – 11 a.m. MST)
Small business owners are often unaware of the financial tools offered by the Federal Government and lose export sales due to lack of trade financing.
RSVP today…
Includeyour name, title and company name to OIT@sba.gov to learn about financing options to help expand your export sales at this webinar!