A broadband tower.

The City of Lewisville worked with Direct Communications on a project to provide better internet service to 185 homes, Lewisville City offices, the library, fire station, post office and local church.

In the past, the City of Lewisville had unreliable internet service. During the pandemic, these internet issues worsened with children doing distance learning and parents working from home.

With slow and intermittent internet speeds, children were not able to attend class sessions without interruption, especially when two or more children were trying to attend class at the same time.

Furthermore, adults working from home were having difficulty attending online meetings and receiving information to do their work, especially when they had children at home attending distance learning classes at the same time.

The broadband grant made it possible for Lewisville to improve its internet, for children to attend class as needed and for residents to work from home.

Learn more about the Idaho Broadband Grant Program here.

Posted in Broadband