Contact: Cody Allred
Idaho Commerce
Idaho Department of Commerce Announces IGEM Grant Recipient
BOISE, Idaho (December 2, 2022) – Idaho Commerce is pleased to announce the latest recipient of an Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) grant.
The IGEM Council awarded Boise State University with a grant in the amount of $210,772 to assist industry partner, Valley Food Tec, LLC with research and development on a new extrusion process and applications for potato protein concentrate.
“This project, in cooperation with the Idaho State Board of Education’s Higher Education Research Council, leverages the Food and Dairy Innovation Center at Boise State University,” Idaho Commerce Director Tom Kealey said. “The outcome of this IGEM public-private research project, with a strong potato industry partner, will have a positive economic impact on Idaho’s potato industry.”
IGEM funds are awarded to Idaho public research universities to partner with industry leaders on research projects geared toward commercialization.
After this award, $739,227 remains available this fiscal year for research projects to commercialize innovations that benefit Idaho and beyond.
Please visit the IGEM website at https://igem.idaho.gov for program and application information.