NEWS RELEASE:  For Immediate Release

Contact: Megan Hill
Idaho Commerce

Idaho Commerce Opens Applications for the Rural Idaho Economic Development Professional Program

Boise, Idaho — The Idaho Department of Commerce is accepting applications for the Rural Idaho Economic Development Professionals Program for the state fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016.   Applications must be submitted via the Department’s online portal by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on April 15, 2016.

Created in 2001, RIEDP grants provide financial assistance to countywide or multi-county economic development programs.  Currently, 30 of Idaho’s 44 counties are served by this grant program through 19 existing rural economic development organizations, ranging from Boundary County on the Canadian border to Bear Lake County bordering Utah and Wyoming.

“This program provides an excellent opportunity for rural communities to engage hands-on professional support to grow, retain and attract business”,” said Megan Ronk, director of the Idaho Department of Commerce. “These local organizations are key partners to quickly address economic development challenges and opportunities.”

Grant applicants must be an Idaho county, or group of Idaho counties and cities joining together to submit a single application. Each participating county’s population must be less than 50,000. Counties with populations in excess of 50,000 may apply provided the organization exclusively serves rural communities.

Applicants can apply for up to $32,000 per year and must provide a minimum of $15,000 annually in cash matching funds. In the scoring process, extra points will be given for applicants requesting less than the maximum amount allowed, exceeding the minimum cash match required, and obtaining private sector financial support.

Rural counties with very small rural populations may benefit by partnering with neighboring counties with larger populations in order to raise more cash match.

To apply for the Rural Idaho Economic Development Professional Program Grant or to download the Application Guide please follow the instructions at:

For more information about the Rural Idaho Economic Development Professional Program, please contact Chrissy Bowers at (208) 780-5139 or

Posted in Communities