Contact: Laurie McConnell
Idaho Tourism
Governor Little Seeks Applicants for Idaho Travel Council
BOISE, Idaho (November 29, 2021)—Governor Brad Little and the Idaho Department of Commerce are seeking applicants for the Idaho Travel Council.
Council vacancies are open to residents of Region 4, which includes Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Twin Falls counties and Region 7, which includes Butte, Blaine, Custer and Lemhi counties.
The Idaho Travel Council reviews applications and awards Idaho Tourism and Convention grants, advises the department on matters concerning the promotion and marketing of Idaho tourism and encourages and assists in the coordination of activities promoting the scenic attractions and tourist advantages of the state.
Members of the council shall be individuals actively involved in the state’s travel and convention industry as a career or as an investment. Their selection shall be made with regard to their ability and disposition to serve the state’s interest and their knowledge of the state’s travel industry.
The council includes eight members appointed by the Governor, with one member appointed from each of the state’s seven regions and one member serving in a statewide, at-large capacity. Members serve three-year terms and can be reappointed but may not serve more than two consecutive terms. Additionally, members must reside in Idaho in the region they wish to represent and may not hold or file for any partisan elective political office while a member of the council.
Candidates should apply by filling out the Application for Appointment and Authorization for Background Check available at https://gov.idaho.gov/appointments/, and include a resume.
Applications should be submitted no later than Friday, December 17, 2021.
For more information regarding the Idaho Travel Council, please visit https://commerce.idaho.gov/tourism-resources/idaho-travel-council/