We are hitting the road in August to meet with current and potential Tested in Idaho companies. We are excited to visit some of you and explore Ketchum, Hailey, Driggs, Victor, Idaho Falls, and Pocatello.
In addition to getting to meet the awesome people making incredible outdoor gear in Idaho, we are going to get behind the scenes tours, explore the places where products are tested, and even put some of your gear to the test ourselves. And, we’ll be capturing all of our adventures along the way. By the end, we’ll have videos, photographs, and stories that show the cool people, products and places that are part of Tested in Idaho.
This is our first Tested in Idaho Road Show, but it definitely won’t be our last. We want to visit all of you and check out your digs, test out your gear, and create more content to share.
If you have an idea for a cool way for us to experience your company, drop us a line and we’ll get started planning our road trip to your town.