SWI-MA Meeting

Is a member organization focused on nurturing an environment of knowledge sharing, innovation and sustainable growth for manufacturing.

Who can benefit from attending?

Anyone who supports the mission of SWI-MA. Specifically owners, executives and managers, as well as production, operations, HR, or business development representatives from manufacturing companies. Partner and Associate memberships are available for those who provide products and services to manufacturers or whose organizations support the efforts of SWI-MA in the region. Contact SWI-MA for more information.

Join us:

Quarterly Meeting – Hiring Practices

Friday, September 4th, 9:00-10:30am

at the University of Phoenix, Meridian Campus

(1422 S Tech Ln, Meridian, ID)

Members & 1st Timers – No cost • Non-members – $20

Refreshments provided

-Efficiently & Successfully Hiring Hourly Personnel

Dwayne Dayley of Rekluse will outline his proven strategy for hiring production and other hourly workers without spending hours interviewing less than qualified candidates!

-The Successful Interview

Interviewing; typically not something either party looks forward to! The Plexus Human Resources team will give us some helpful information to use in our own interview process. We’ll hear what common mistakes to avoid, essential questions to ask and the interview question no-nos!

-Get a sneak peak of our MFG Day 2015 Events coming up on October 1-2!

RSVP by Wednesday, September 2nd at https://swi-ma.org/events/2015-9/ or email info@swi-ma.org.

Interested in Membership or Sponsorship? Visit our website for details and applications.



Posted in Business