4th Annual Cybersecurity Interdependencies Summit hosted by the Idaho Office of Emergency Management
April 26, 2018 | 8:00AM – 5:00PM | FREE TO ATTEND
St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center | 1055 N Curtis Road Boise, ID | Main Entrance, McCleary Auditorium
Join us and explore the growing challenges of cybersecurity and their impacts on overall economic and physical security at the one-day Summit hosted by the Idaho Office of Emergency Management. In the face of continuing risks, networking and action are needed to address critical regional infrastructure interdependencies. This event is part of a continuing series, building public-private partnerships and advancing Idaho’s resilience to cyber threats.
What you should expect:
- Update on Idaho’s cybersecurity strategy.
- Speakers and one-to-one discussion opportunities with high-level national and local experts from private and public sectors.
- Interactive tabletop simulation and self-assessment tool to identify best practices and gaps in security planning and policymaking.
- Learn about current and future trends in cybersecurity.
- Cyber incident reporting, protocols, and available State and Federal resources.
- Strengthening partnerships between local, country, state, federal, and private sector partners and working across jurisdictions to ensuring the resilience of the region.
- Networking opportunities with public and private sector stakeholders. Learn about your interdependencies and personally meet who you need to know- before a disaster.
Who should attend:
- Critical infrastructure owners/operators; major employers; small business representatives; cybersecurity directors and managers, and affiliated IT support staff; security and law enforcement; business continuity professionals; executive leadership, HR, and legal; and all private and public sector cyber security stakeholders.
Event is FREE to attend. Registration is required. Networking light breakfast, full lunch, and final reception refreshments provided.