Contact: Megan Hill
Idaho Commerce

Idaho Department of Commerce Announces Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) Grant Recipients


BOISE, Idaho—Wednesday, November 16, 2016 —The Idaho Department of Commerce is pleased to announce two Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) grant recipients. The Idaho Commerce IGEM funds are awarded to Idaho research universities to partner with industry leaders on research projects geared toward commercialization.

The IGEM fund distribution, which includes $950,000 in appropriated funds by the Idaho State Legislature, is overseen by the IGEM Council. On November 8, 2016, the IGEM Council approved funding for the following university research projects:

• Boise State University will receive $194,003 for research in the development of a managed pollination solution, using prediction methodologies and protocols to detect the optimal alfalfa seed crop bloom with industry partner, Kairosys.

• Boise State University will receive $260,435 for design of a spectroscopic reflectometer that will assist industry partner, Fiberguide, twofold: (1) In the development of a novel process to test the reduction and elimination of reflections from the end of optical fiber, and (2) in the design of a manufacturing technology to create this novel process for improved optical fiber.

This year, in total, the IGEM Council has awarded $454,438 to commercialization research projects benefitting the State of Idaho.

More information about the IGEM program can be found at



Posted in News Spotlight, Technology