Inergy Solar Exceeds Indiegogo Campaign Goal

A Chubbuck-based company has extra cause for celebration this season after reaching their $50,000 crowd-funding goal within the campaign’s first 24 hours, and exceeding their goal by 400% with more than a week to spare.

Inergy Solar, a subsidiary of Big Dog Solar of Pocatello, launched an Indiegogo campaign for their new ultra-portable solar panels and generator that can run a refrigerator for over 30 hours, power a CPAP machine for 25 hours, or recharge a cellphone about 100 times.

The Kodiak, their most popular generator, has new modular solar panels that allow users to generate more solar power by simply snapping additional panels together without any additional wires. The compact 20 pound case packs over 1,100 watt-hours within its lithium-ion batteries that can be taken camping, RV’ing, hunting, and is ideal for off-grid cabins or stored at home in case of an emergency or natural disaster.

“We understand the benefits of a power source that doesn’t run out,” says James Brainard, co-founder and Solar Evangelist for Inergy Solar.  “The day after Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey, everyone was on the phone or computer with family and friends, letting them know how they were doing. The day after that was silent. The infrastructure was intact and functional but everyone’s electronic devices were out of power and there was no way to charge them. A little preparation goes a long way to preserving your essential services.”

 While emergency preparedness is a focus, the Kodiak is meant to be complimentary to in-home solar energy systems, not competitive. “Despite having cheap electricity in Idaho, people want off-grid solutions to be independent,” said Inergy Solar CEO Sean Luangrath. That is what makes their other main focus: outdoor enthusiasts. “We want to bring clean energy to Idaho and keep Idaho outdoors beautiful and quiet by eliminating the noise and fumes of gas powered generators,” Luangrath said.

Products of Inergy Solar have been manufactured in their Chubbuck facility with only four full time employees who can’t build fast enough to meet the demand. That is where the Indiegogo campaign comes in. The campaign began November 17 and funds will support mass production in China of the Kodiak until full production can be brought back to Idaho. “The goal is to be made in Idaho and bring full operations here,” said Luangrath.

The Inergy team has found that Idaho has been the best option for their facility and has plans to keep it located in Chubbuck for the foreseeable future, noting the importance of the Idaho National Laboratory’s contibutions to the company’s success. “The INL provides the type of talent that is relevant to our industry,” said Luangrath. Lithium ion batteries that are used in the Inergy products are similar to what is being used in electric vehicles that are tested at the INL.

Eventually, Luangrath sees the company expanding worldwide and providing power solutions to third-world countries. “We feel like we have a mission to bring solar power to the world.” And that solar power can come straight from our Idaho backyard.

To contribute to their Indiegogo campaign, visit

For more information about Inergy Solar, visit the company website at, or find them on Facebook at


Posted in Business, Success Story