Work conducted in the City of ArimoIn Arimo, there are 125 households. 54 have school-aged children, 45 are 65 or older and many of these families telework from home.

In light of the pandemic, it became even more apparent to the City of Arimo that it needed to improve its internet. Previously, Arimo only had satellite service.

The grant, done in partnership with Direct Communications, allowed for the much-needed installation of fiber-optic lines to homes within the community. This improved and facilitated distance learning, telework and public safety through telemedicine.

Furthermore, school-aged children have benefited and will continue to benefit from increased learning experiences that previously were not available due to lack of bandwidth.

The new services have also promoted commerce in the community, by supporting local businesses and allowing more to work and study at home without interruption.


“The community will begin to grow and attract families and businesses that could not function without broadband. The families and businesses that are currently in Arimo are thriving and growing with this new technology. It has brought new energy to our small town.” – City of Arimo Officials


Learn more about the Idaho Broadband Grant Program here.

Posted in Broadband